Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy
In recent years the mental health industry has been attacked for the invalidity of its illnesses, the unreliability of its diagnoses, the ineffectiveness and dangers of its treatments, and its corruption by drug companies. Commonsense Rebellion integrates those critiques and goes further, arguing that “institutional mental health” has diverted us from examining an important rebellion. This rebellion—mainly passive and too often self-destructive—is against an increasingly impersonal and coercive “institutional society.” What has previously been pathologized is rehumanized and suggestions are made for regaining autonomy and community, and replacing self-destructive rebellion with commonsense rebellion.
“Levine…has done an incredible job… This book is valuable, possibly life saving, and, if taken to heart, life changing.” —The Florida Times-Union
“An entertaining, hard-hitting, and controversial book about contemporary culture… Full of astonishing statistics… this book is an opinionated wake-up call.” —Choice
“Bruce Levine is no ordinary psychologist but a social critic who goes far beyond diagnosing what’s wrong with current trends in psychotherapy and psychiatry…. Levine’s voice is clear, concise, and captivating…. the tools or approaches Levine suggests will not only make us feel better but will also ultimately help change the social system…. It is full of solid evidence presented in an easy-to-assimilate framework…. One gets the feeling while reading Commonsense Rebellion that everything of importance that has ever been written about the mental health system will be found somewhere in this book…. The book…. is more than just common sense. It is expressed wisdom, something, unfortunately, which does not seem common at all.” —Ethical Human Sciences and Services
“Levine looks at all these new disease manifestations from a common sense perspective…. And this perspective tells us that we must reclaim our autonomy, community, and humanity before we can overcome our growing unhappiness, anxiety, depression, and craziness.” —Stanton Peele Book of the Month Selection for Stanton’s Bookstore
“Refreshing and energizing….of value in reminding us of the need for a spiritual sense of change…”
—Metapsychology Online Book Reviews
“Well read, thoughtful, and idealistic, Levine wants to humanize science and technology…The book merits attention…” —Library Journal
“Levine’s book is a worthwhile riposte to the anesthetizing self-help manuals….a consummate compendium of the nostrums that cause rather than cure the problems that Americans are particularly prone to…very well worth reading and should enlighten the public in regard to both psychiatry as well as the course of present medical practice in general.” —Radical Psychology
[…] uma atividade é nova, desperta seu interesse ou foi escolhida por elas (documentado em meu livro Commonsense Rebellion). Numa idade das trevas anterior, as monarquias autoritárias associavam-se às instituições […]