Lesser of Two Evils: Chomsky vs. Greenwald . . . and the Ignored Factor
Noam Chomsky believes that it is so imperative that Trump be defeated that he will vote for Biden, while Glenn Greenwald challenges the political strategy of the lesser-of-two-evils dictum. It is difficult to imagine anyone more intellectually commanding than Chomsky, but Greenwald is no inferior. Chomsky and Greenwald are unbroken, rational warriors who apply contrasting […]
Curious “Anti-Authoritarian” Definitions and Divides
For most of us—excepting possibly Mussolini, Trump, and other bully boasters—the word authoritarian is a pejorative. In contrast, many of us want to define ourselves and our heroes as anti-authoritarians, and this has resulted in some curious definitions of that term. The American Heritage Dictionary defines authoritarianism as “characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to […]