You Want It Darker: A Sick Society, Trump Worshippers, and the Drama Triangle
Millions of Americans are in a state of horror over the fact that millions more Americans are poised to elect as president not just a scumbag, but an in-your-face scumbag. Among those millions of Americans who are horrified by Trump and his worshippers, only a small minority of them are horrified by a society that has created them.
U.S. Authorities Pay No Price for Acknowledged Lying: What’s the Impact on Us?
Presidents and other U.S. authorities have always been liars—just ask Native Americans. While lying to Native Americans has never been politically costly for U.S. presidents, getting caught lying by the entire American public was once politically damaging
Who Could Have Gotten Deserters from Trump’s Three Armies . . . and from Mine?
Taking US national politics too seriously can make you hopelessly stupid, hopelessly cynical, or hopelessly suicidal. Let’s see. We had a former Black Panther, Congressman Bobby Rush, endorsing search-and-frisk Bloomberg; while Mike Will Get It Done was making AP headlines: “Bloomberg Once Blamed End of ‘Redlining’ for 2008 Collapse.” We have evangelicals adulterating my I-71 […]