
3 Things That Must Happen for Us To Rise Up and Defeat the Corporatocracy

AlterNet August 26th, 2011

Most Americans oppose rule by the corporatocracy but don’t have the tools to fight back. Here are three things we need to create a real people’s movement. Transforming the United States into something closer to a democracy requires: 1) knowledge of how we are getting screwed; 2) pragmatic tactics, strategies, and solutions; and 3) the […]

Confronting the Military-Industrial-Complex: The MIC at 50

Centre for Research on Globalization August 21st, 2011

The majority of Americans oppose the U.S. government’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and believe that defense spending is the area that must be cut to reduce the federal deficit. However, many of us feel powerless to stop the ever-increasing bombings, invasions, and occupations of nations which pose no threat to us. Most of us […]

8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance

AlterNet August 1st, 2011

Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination. Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them […]

How Americans Can “Get Up, Stand Up” Against Corporatocracy Rule

Z Magazine July 20th, 2011

Many Americans recognize that the United States is neither a genuine democracy nor a real republic in which elected officials actually represent the people. Instead, the United States is a corporatocracy in which Americans are ruled by a partnership of giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite, and corporate-collaborator government officials. There are at least three […]

Populist Alliances or Senseless Wars and Corporate Welfare

Truthout July 7th, 2011

Ron Paul and Ralph Nader have an intriguing idea. While both know that there are significant ideological divides between their camps (and so neither are suggesting forming a political party together), they are proposing populist coalitions on some major issues. Interviewed together by host Andrew Napolitano (“Freedom Watch,” January 19, 2011), Nader began by explaining […]

The Tenfold Path to Guts, Solidarity, and the Defeat of the Corporate Elite

Truthout May 11th, 2011

Many Americans know that the United States is not a democracy but a “corporatocracy,” in which we are ruled by a partnership of giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite and corporate-collaborator government officials. However, the truth of such tyranny is not enough to set most of us free to take action. Too many of us […]

Toward a Liberation Psychology

CounterPunch April 29th, 2011

When I first heard the term liberation theology (in opposition to a theol­ogy that fosters compliance with the status quo), I thought there should also be a liberation psychology—a psychology that doesn’t equate a lack of adjustment with mental illness, but instead promotes constructive rebel­lion against dehumanizing institutions, and which also provides strategies to build a genuinely democratic society.

The Missing Piece in the Battle for U.S. Democracy

The Huffington Post April 4th, 2011

There are at least three major pieces to the puzzle of transforming the “corporatocracy” (rule by giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite, and corporate-collaborator government officials) into something closer to democracy. And activists often neglect the third piece.

Get Up, Stand Up”: Do Americans Have What It Takes to Stand Up to Corporate Power and Does Wisconsin Offer Hope?

AlterNet March 17th, 2011

Bruce Levine, in an interview with Susan Warner, discusses his upcoming book “Get Up, Stand Up,” which analyzes why Americans have been crushed into inaction and how recent events in Wisconsin offer hope for change.

The Myth of U.S. Democracy and the Reality of U.S. Corporatocracy

The Huffington Post March 16th, 2011

Polls show that on the major issues of our time — the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, Wall Street bailouts, and health insurance — the opinion of We the People has been ignored on a national level for quite some time. While the corporate media repeats the myth that the United States of America is a […]